Episode #33: In episode 33 we are joined by Dallas Toler-Wade of Nile and Narcotic Wasteland. Two tracks from the self-titled Narcotic Wasteland album are featured. We also do a little more post-GWARBQ discussion and have a heated debate about the new Iron Maiden single "Speed of Light." And of course our usual segments covering news, new releases, a Top 3, and all the various music we have been listening to lately. "Metal Rain" used by permission of Men Without Armies.
Episode #33: In episode 33 we are joined by Dallas Toler-Wade of Nile and Narcotic Wasteland. Two tracks from the self-titled Narcotic Wasteland album are featured. We also do a little more post-GWARBQ discussion and have a heated debate about the new Iron Maiden single "Speed of Light." And of course our usual segments covering news, new releases, a Top 3, and all the various music we have been listening to lately. "Metal Rain" used by permission of Men Without Armies.